Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

422 - Bachelor's Degree in Building Engineering

28604 - Building history

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28604 - Building history
Faculty / School:
175 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de La Almunia
422 - Bachelor's Degree in Building Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this subject is based on the following:

A Strong teacher/student interaction. This interaction becomes a reality through a division of work and responsibilities between the students and the teacher.

For the learning process, the student will have the basic contents available through lectures given by the teacher. These contents will give rise to both the questions considered in the practical sessions, and the work that students must develop autonomously, always monitored by the teacher.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the student to help achieve the expected results includes the following activities:


On-site activities:

-Lectures: Theoretical activities carried out mainly through explanation by the teacher, where the theoretical supports of the subject are given, highlighting the basics, structuring them into topics and/or sections, interrelating them. The lecture is supported by the projection of audio visual presentations, including different images and videos. The student, through the educational platform Moodle, is provided with both the notes prepared by the teacher to support lessons and the recommended bibliography.

-Practical Lessons: The weight of these classes is shared between teacher and students. The teacher solves practical cases for teaching purposes. This type of teaching complements the theory shown in the lectures with practical aspects.

-Field practical classes and conferences: Visits to actual construction sites are very useful for learning to identify in situ elements and construction systems defined in the classroom. It will be especially interesting to visit constructions which are in the process of rehabilitation, accompanied by the technicians responsible for its management and execution to visualize the constructive solutions used and deal with the real problems. The attendance to conferences related to the subject is also considered, in both the University of Zaragoza and other institutions.


Individual Tutorials: Those carried out giving individual, personalized attention with a teacher from the department. They may be in person (department) or online (Moodle or mail).


Generic off-site activities:

-Study and understanding of the theory taught in the lectures.

-Understanding and assimilation of the problems and practical cases solved in the practical classes.

-Preparation of seminars, solutions to proposed practice tasks, etc.

-Preparation of the written tests for continuous assessment and final exams.


Reinforcement activities: Activities that reinforce the basics of the subject are assigned from Moodle. The monitoring of these activities is carried out in a personalized way. This kind of activities provides the teacher with of attitude, effort and performance evaluation of the student learning.


The combination of these learning activities is considered essential for students to be able to achieve the objectives. Thus, after an initial theoretical explanation, the students will be instructed in solving practical problems associated to complete their understanding of the subject and eventually they will be placed facing a problem to be addressed independently without the direct participation of the teacher who will, nevertheless, act as a counsellor


The subject has 6 ECTS credits, which represents 150 hours of student work in the subject during the semester, in other words, 10 hours per week for 15 teaching weeks.


A summary of a weekly timetable guide can be seen in the following table. These figures are obtained from the subject file in the Accreditation Report of the degree, taking into account that the level of experimentation considered for the mentioned subject is high.



Weekly  school hours





Other Activities


5.3. Syllabus


T.01. The origins: the megalithic construction

T.02. Mesopotamian and Egyptian construction


T.03. Greek construction and background

T.04. Roman construction and background


T.05. Early Christian and Byzantine construction

T.06. Hispanic-Visigothic, Hispanic-Islamic and “Mudejar” construction

T.07. Romanesque construction and Pre-Romanesque background

T.08. Gothic construction


T.09. Construction from the Renaissance to the 19th century

T.10. 19th and 20th century construction

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works




Presentation and T01. The origins: the megalithic construction

T02. Mesopotamian and Egyptian construction


T03. Greek construction


T04. Roman construction


T04. Roman construction


T05. Early Christian and Byzantine construction


T06. Hispanic-Visigothic construction


T06. Hispanic-Islamic/ Mudejar construction


T07. Romanesque construction and Pre-Romanesque background


T07. Romanesque construction


T08. Gothic construction


T08. Gothic construction


T09. Construction from the Renaissance to the 19th century


T10. 19th and 20th century construction


T10. 19th and 20th century construction


Tutorial/ Assessment

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Castro Villalba, Antonio. Historia de la construcción arquitectónica / Antonio Castro Villalba. - 2ª ed., reimp Barcelona : UPC, 2001
  • Choisy, Auguste. El arte de construir en Bizancio / Auguste Choisy ; edición a acargo de: Santiago Huerta Fernández, Francisco Javier Girón Sierra ; traducción de Francisco Javier Girón Sierra, Gema López Manzanares Madrid : Centro de Estudios Históricos de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo, 1997
  • Choisy, Auguste. El arte de construir en Roma / Auguste Choisy ; edición a cargo de Santiago Huerta Fernández, Francisco Javier Girón Sierra ; traducción de Manuel Manzano-Monís López-Chicheri ; ensayo introductorio y bibliografía de Enrique Rabasa Díaz [Madrid] : Instituto Juan de Herrera, [1999]
  • Benevolo, Leonardo. Historia de la arquitectura moderna / Leonardo Benevolo . - 8ª ed., rev. y amp., 4ª tirada Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2007
  • Choisy, Auguste,. Historia de la arquitectura / Auguste Choisy ; traducido por S. Gallo y B. Iribarren. - 1ª edic Buenos Aires : Víctor Lerú, 1944
  • Heyman, Jacques. El esqueleto de piedra : mecánica de la arquitectura de fábrica / Jacques Heyman ; traducción de Gema M. López Manzanares ; revisión y prólogo de Santiago Huerta Fernández [Madrid] : Instituto Juan de Herrera, [1999]
  • Hitchcock, Henry-Russell. Arquitectura de los siglos XIX y XX / Henry-Russell Hitchcock ; [versión española de Luis E. Santiago] . - 2a. ed. Madrid : Cátedra, D.L. 1985
  • Magro Moro, Julián V.. La construcción en la Baja Edad Media / Julián V. Magro Moro, Rafael Marín Sánchez. - 1ª edición Valencia : Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas, D.L. 1999
  • Marín Sánchez, Rafel. La Construcción griega y romana / Rafael Marín Sánchez. - 1ª edición Valencia : Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Servicio de Publicaciones, DL 2000
  • Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel. La construcción medieval : el artículo ?Construcción? del Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture française du XI AU XVI Siècle / E. viollet-Le-Duc ; edición a cargo de Enrique Rabasa Díaz y Santiago Huerta Fernández ; prólogo, traducción y notas de Enrique Rabasa Díaz ; introducción y bibliografía de Rafael García García Madrid : CEHOPU Centro de estudios históricos de obras públicas y urbanismo [etc.], D.L. 1996
  • Vitrubio Polión, Marco. Los diez libros de arquitectura / Marco Lucio Vitruvio Polión ; introducción por Delfín Rodríguez Ruiz ; versión española de José Luis Oliver Domingo . - 1º ed., 5ª reimp. Madrid : Alianza, 2006
  • Adam, Jean Pierre. La construcción romana : materiales y técnicas / Jean- Pierre Adam ; [traducción, Cristina Colinas Carbajo] . - 1a ed. León : Editorial de los Oficios, 1996
  • Benedicto Salas, Roberto. Introducción a la construcción megalítica / Roberto Benedicto Salas Zaragoza : Mira Editores, 2010
  • Giedion, Sigfried. El presente eterno, los comienzos del arte : una aportación al tema de la constancia y el cambio / Sigfried Giedion ; versión española de María Luisa Balseiro . - [1a. ed.] Madrid : Alianza, D.L. 1981
  • Huerta Fernández, Santiago. Arcos, bóvedas y cúpulas : geometría y equilibrio en el cálculo tradicional de estructuras de fábrica / Santiago Huerta Madrid : Instituto Juan de Herrera, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, cop. 2004
  • Kubach, Hans Erich. Arquitectura románica / Hans Erich Kubach ; [traducción del texto original alemán por Juan Novella Domingo] . - [1a. ed.] Madrid : Aguilar, 1974
  • López Guzmán, Rafael. Arquitectura mudéjar : del sincretismo medieval a las alternativas hispanoamericanas / Rafael López Guzmán Madrid : Cátedra, cop. 2000
  • Magro y Moro, Julián V.. Textos para una historia de la construcción / Julián V. Magro Moro. - 1ª edición Valencia : Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, DL 1994
  • Tecnología arquitectónica hasta la revolución científica : arte y estructura de las grandes construcciones / Robert Mark (ed.) ; traducción, José Miguel Gómez Acosta y Daniel López Martínez Tres Cantos (Madrid) : Akal, D.L. 2002
  • Mas-Guindal Lafarga, Antonio José. Mecánica de las estructuras antiguas ó cuando las estructuras no se calculaban / Antonio José Mas-Guindal Lafarga. - 1ª edición Madrid : Munilla-Lería, 2011
  • Robertson, Donald Struan. Arquitectura griega y romana / D. S. Robertson ; traducción de R. Fontán Barreiro y L. Abad Casal . - 3ª ed. Madrid : Cátedra, D. L. 1985
  • Trachtenberg, Marvin. Arquitectura : De la prehistoria a la postmodernidad, la tradición occidental / Marvin Trachtenberg, Isabelle Hyman Los Berrocales del Jarama, Madrid : Akal, 1990
  • Truñó, Ángel. Construcción de bóvedas tabicadas / Ángel Truñó ; edición a cargo de, Santiago Huerta y José Luis González Moreno- Navarro ; con la colaboración de, Esther Redondo Martínez ; prólogo de Santiago Huerta ; ensayo introductorio de José Luis González Moreno-Navarro Madrid : Instituto Juan de Herrera, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, cop. 2004